The ViCA Foundation Operates An Automatic Dealing In Virtual Assets Using ViBOT

3 min readDec 22, 2021

The ViCA initiative was formed by taking advantage of the price discrepancies between digital assets. ViCA is able to profit from this deal by using exchanges like Upbit and Binance to buy back ViCA tokens from the market. A portion of the project’s seed money will come from trade arbitrage earnings, which will expand over time. By increasing the amount of seed money available, ViCA tokens will become more valuable to customers. To see ViCA’s continuous arbitrage trading on YouTube, click here: Consequently, ViCA’s revenue is generated on a regular basis by arbitrage trading.

As a result of the flexibility and advantages of a decentralized exchange, ViCA began the process of listing on it and will also continue to build its infrastructure in order to reach a broad audience.

Virtual Assets (ViCAs) were invented in order to avoid inflation. To ensure long-term gains for all stakeholders, ViCA uses the phrase “noflation,” which refers to a strategy that avoids any currency depreciation. For those familiar with the current state of the currency and cryptocurrency markets, this may appear to be a radical departure. There are weaknesses in the notion, yet it is an excellent method for generating profits, development, and expansion.

Understanding ViCA’s approach of profit sharing requires an understanding of the history of inflation in both rich and poor countries. Inflation is commonly defined as an increase in the cost of goods and services in a country or economy. For example, a spike in food and utility costs could negatively affect the economy by depressing currency values. There could be a number of causes for this. Currently, there is no idea of “no inflation” in the financial and banking system. It is the job of central banks to issue currency and guarantee the value of that currency, whether that currency be gold or another item of worth. Having people utilize several currencies is beneficial because it increases the value of the money in the market. As long as there is an imbalance between the supply and demand of paper money, everyone has a right to demand anything of worth, such as gold.

ViCA Token Platform?

ViBOT, an arbitrage trading system from NROOTM Korea, is used by the ViCA Foundation to conduct automated trading in virtual assets. ViCA tokens are used to pay for ViBOT’s services (Buy-back and burn). The ViCA Foundation invests 40% of its operating revenue in repurchasing tokens, which benefits tokenholders. Profits from the automatic trading system are compounded by reinvesting the remaining cash in the system’s assets.

No tokens were distributed in the pre-sale or development phase, such as an ICO or IEO. There are very few tokens available in the market, and that number keeps decreasing. As a result, the token’s value will climb.. In addition, the foundation’s automated trading system assets have grown, resulting in larger returns for the foundation’s investors. There is no repurposing of the foundation’s initial funds, and all transactions are made public in a verifiable manner (Live Streaming Service). The Ethereum ERC20 token ecosystem has streamlined ViCA’s sophisticated investing structure. Reduced costs serve as an underlying asset once again, boosting the flow of money .’s

The ViCA token ecosystem may be of interest to you. You don’t need to know how complex systems work to participate. Your sole reliance must be on ViCA. In order to provide proof of arbitrage, we recommend contacting NROOTM Korea (

How It Works?

ViCA does not spend money it doesn’t have to keep prices stable. As of this writing, there are no plans to raise funds for an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) or Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) (ready to go to market). Aside from maximizing arbitrage, investors can also minimize the cost of data needed to define your firm for investment objectives. We want to build a long-term business by protecting the interests of token holders and reinvesting all profits back into the system, with the exception of the minimal costs associated with its upkeep.

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Writer :

Bitcointalk Username : apataak

BitcoinTalk Profile URL:;u=3391752

ViCA address on Coinsbit ( ): 0x5AA81bEddD6865481f30a3985c06a7f80a6CEA27

